Hello, All!!
Our group was able to spend Saturday with the kids at St. Antony's where they wore us out with their endless amounts of energy! We played tag, learned some Tamil, and we all took an afternoon nap to recoup from the kids.
I had my nails painted, hair done, and I was given more henna tattoos by the girls at the orphanage as well as our very own Caitlin! It was such an honor to be able to spend time with them and learn new games and vocabulary.
On Sunday we all attended Mass with the Sisters and children. We walked therough the steeets of India, hand in hand with the kids- what an experience. I know each and every one of us experienced a difficult time saying goodbye to St. Antony's on Sunday.
We then journeyed to Mercy Home where the Sisters of Sacred Heart care for people with mental and physical disabilities. They put on a program for us that included songs, dancing, and laughing! Again, the Sisters fed us so much food and we were then on our way to Madurai.
Our last night was spent in Madurai, which was a schedule change from what we had planned. We spent the night in a hotel closer to the airport which made it a lot easier to leave the next day. We are all very thankful for our driver, Mahesh as well as others, such as Mike, who helped us along the way.
We are currently sitting in the airport at JFK and we've been traveling for over 30 hours. We have one last flight to go and then we will begin the ride home to Erie. A lot of us left pieces of our hearts in India and we were sad to be leaving. As we re enter into our lives here, just know that we are all extremely excited to share our personal stories and adventures with you all, but that this experience has been one of a kind and our words cannot do it justice. Be easy on us as we try to articulate the experiences we have had, as we adjust our bodies to the time change, and as we reintroduce foods back into our digestive systems!
Thank you all for staying with us! I know the thoughts and prayers you all have had for us along the way kept us in good spirits.
P.S. So many pictures have been taken, and thank you for your patience with seeing them!