Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 5 - St. Antony's

Hi everyone!

Today we had the amazing opportunity to stay with the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in Nagercoil at St. Antony’s! At the bright and early time of 6:00am we began our voyage via tuk-tuk to mass. After two hours of bare feet, bees, flies galore, and deep sleep (shoutout to Dr. Vaughn), we arrived back at St. Antony’s only to be greeted by the cheery faces of children that reside in the children’s home. After *another* breakfast of idly, French toast, and other foods that I will no longer be able to look at due to over abundance, we had the privilege of delivering gifts to the children. We handed out games, including an inflatable bowling set. A short fifteen minutes later, the bowling pins would be destroyed. How, you may ask? The children ate them of course! Couldn’t have guessed that one if I tried. Regardless, joyfully, we continued, playing soccer, swinging (on a most delicately not up to code playset), and above all, laughing together. After lunch (featuring French toast) we all rested. We then visited a market in Nagercoil, purchasing local goods, including face masks, coffee, and sweet treats. We walked back to St. Antony’s, only to discover our street smarts were apparently not up to par. In addition to our two “bodyguards” Mahesh and Mike, we also had our van following close behind, in case of rain, or Alli saying hi to future strangers. After a long day, we were able to visit with the children, have a dance off to Baby by Justin Bieber, eat *more* French toast, and rest. :)

- Erin Behe

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